Sunday, September 8, 2013

Time really does fly.

Plans are in the works for our 1 year Anniversary. Does that seem possible... open a year already?

Nancy and I wanted to do a blog that would be a past to present photo album of the pieces that have passed from our door to yours. We pulled up the different albums that we had and realized just exactly what that meant. It wouldn't be possible to post every table, chair, hutch and misc piece.  There are hundreds and hundreds of pieces. Just one example, I tried to count all the end tables that have sold, 93 and that's what I had photos of. Chest of Drawers - 86, Chairs - 114 and that's when I decided this was not going to be possible to share.

When we looked back at the photo's, we actually had some pieces we had totally forgotten. The pictures of what the shop looked like when we first got the place - hard to ever remember it looking like that. When we first moved in, Kevin and Jeff unloaded a 26' Uhaul with our unpainted collection of things. Nancy and I thought we had enough furniture to last us forever. We didn't have a clue at that point. 

 This is the first photo I took of one of the sides, before they blocked the walls into the old gift shop.

 These photos are of the first load of furniture we had accumulated. We thought it was going to last us a long time. Our worry was - could we get it painted in time to open.

 Our first thing was  get the painters in to patch and paint the walls and then decide on what would go where. Basically, two women with paint and really no idea of what was to come. A one year lease and two husbands willing to help when they could. What were we thinking????

Wednesday, October 16th,  5:00 PM - 9:00 PM  we will be having our 1 year Anniversary party. We hope you'll save the date and come share our celebration with us. I'll be posting more information as we get closer. Some fun things being planned, great door prizes and giveaways plus yummy refreshments. 

We made it this far because of our wonderful customers and friends.... 
Thank you just doesn't seem like enough.
